Associate of Arts
Degree Type
Associate of Arts
Advising Contact: Justin Martin
Phone: 479-788-7368
Even if you're unsure of a major, you can start your educational journey with an Associate of Arts.
The Associate of Arts (A.A.) provides courses for many college students that are uncertain about their major. Making a decision about your field of study and career is an important part of your experience at UAFS. A professional advisor will assist you in the decision making process.
Through a comprehensive self assessment process, major exploration, career research, and goal setting, you can make informed decisions about your academic and career path. By choosing an A.A., you can remain undecided until you have worked through this process.
Related Programs
Bachelor of General Studies
By declaring a degree in general studies, you can take ownership of your degree plan
and choose the classes and areas of emphasis most interesting to you and applicable
to your goals. This degree still includes the same general education core classes
and university requirements as any other bachelor's program.
Associate of General Studies
This 60-hour program blends general education core courses with a variety of elective
courses to allow you to complete an associate degree. This degree can also lead to
the completion of the Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership as well as
many of our other bachelor degrees.
What can I do with an Associate of Arts?
This degree blends the general education core courses with specified general education elective courses to complete the degree and could also lead to the completion of the Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership.
Program Learning Outcomes
- The learning methods in an A.A. degree usually include written assignments, lectures and class discussions, presentations, and group study.
- Students interested in completing the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership (BSOL) can choose this degree since they are required to have an associate degree prior to entrance.
- This program is also ideal for students interested in a major that UAFS does not offer but are choosing to start their courses at UAFS with the intention to transfer to another institution.